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Showing posts from April, 2013

How to Appeal An Exclusion for Weight Loss Surgery

Weight loss surgeries are becoming more common, and more and more people are in need of them; however not all insurance plans cover the costs associated with these types of surgeries. One of the first things that you should do is contact your insurance provider. They will be able to inform you whether or not the surgery you are in need of is covered. Many times insurance companies will not list these particular surgeries on their list of covered procedures. This is done in an effort to reduce or avoid paying these types of claims. The next step anyone who has been issued an exclusion is to have their doctor write a letter stating that the surgery is

Fasting For Weight Loss - 3 Reasons Why Intermittent Fasting Works

Fasting for weight loss has been a topic of debate for many years. Some believe that it deprives the body of certain nutrients, while others believe that it is a healthy choice and has a myriad of positive health benefits. One type of fasting which has been getting a lot of recognition for the results it produces is intermittent fasting. What is intermittent fasting? It is the process of alternating periods of eating with periods of not eating. The amount of time varies depending on which fasting program you choose. A popular fast is 24 hours twice a week. So why is this process so effective? Following are 3 reasons for its success: Weight Loss When fasting for weight loss, you are

Weight Loss Essentials - What You Need to Know

Body weight really matters and it affects you in more ways than your appearance. Lots of people are unhappy with their present body weight. Many aren't sure on how to change it and end up being deceived by the wrong information. Wouldn't it be nice if you can increase your self esteem and improve your overall quality of life, health and physical abilities? You can then imagine all the positive effects and advantages from weight loss solutions. Losing weight is a bit tricky and extremely challenging for some people. It simply means being at the right weight at the

Weight Loss by Removing Sugar From Your Diet

I have started a weight loss program and one of the things that the company recommends is for those that are looking to lose the maximum amount of weight during the first 30 days of the program that they abstain from consuming sugar and sugar substitutes. It is very interesting to think that you can achieve weight loss by removing sugar from your diet and yet here I am after one week of having nothing with sugar, including fruit, and I have lost roughly one pound per day. Am I suggesting that your results will be the same as my results if you remove sugar from your diet? I couldn't possibly have the answer to that because I am not a doctor. With that being said, let me tell you what I am so that you can understand why I am taking the

Formulating a Weight Loss Plan: Comparing and Contrasting Calories, Carbs, Fat, and Sodium

Weight loss is a widely common goal, regardless of the reason, for many different people all over the globe. Some people lose weight for health reasons, while others shed pounds in order to improve their overall appearance. Many individuals might have the desire and a good motive for losing weight but that does not mean that they know the best route to take in order to get rid of extra pounds. Below I have outlined some important information that will help people learn how to formulate a weight loss plan. Understanding the Science of Weight Loss In order to lose weight effectively, people must understand that

How to Stop Sabotaging Your Weight Loss, Health and Wellness Goals

You say improving your health, losing weight or getting fit is important to you. So why does it seem so hard to stay on track? If you get in your own way when it comes to reaching your health and wellness goals, you're not alone. The good news is you can turn that around. Here are three simple tips to get better results fast. Tame the Chatter.  Negative self-talk isn't going to get you to your end goal. While we all have it to a degree, you can learn to manage it. When it shows up, just counter the chatter with a powerful statement. Defeating Statement:  "I will never lose weight, so why even try?" Empowering Statement:  "I can lose weight if I put in the work to do so."

A Step By Step Guide How To Use A Calorie Counter On Your Smartphone

For anyone who is on a mission to lose weight and get in shape, and have made the definitive commitment to make this happen, you may have found that one of the hardest things to first overcome is changing what you eat. This makes sense because the food we choose is one of the reasons for weight gain in the first place. When it comes to losing weight, 75% of the entire process is your diet and nutrition. Once you get a strong handle on this then the other 25% of this process is ensuring you get some exercise a few times each week. That's why it's critical you take complete control of everything that is put in your body for true weight loss success. Since there are usually three main meals of the day along with a variety of snacks tossed in

Boost Your Exercise Motivation

It's very hard to decide to work out when there are so many other things you should be doing. However, exercise is essentially good for you. It gives you a fantastic physical shape, it reduces blood pressure, it strengthens your bones, it eradicates harmful cholesterol, it cuts down on the risk of cancer and it relieves stress. Nonetheless, one very often lacks exercise motivation. Considering how difficult it is to find time to attend the gym and exercise, below you'll find

How to Create Healthy Bones and Joints

The human skeleton is truly a wonder of God's creation. It is made up more than 200 different bones, all of which are vital to motion and mobility. Ligaments and cartilage are used to hold two bones together to form joint or a point of articulation. It is our joints that give us flexibility and motion, otherwise we would be rigid and not be able to pivot, stretch, bend or swivel All the bones in our body form a joint with another bone with the

Weight Loss Benefit Of Jogging: How To Get Rid Of Love Handles

Use the benefit of jogging exercise to lose love handles If you are anything like I was many years ago you might describe yourself as 'cuddly' or 'huggable'. Anything to disguise the fact that you're a little overweight and have a few rolls of unsightly fat around your middle. If this is you then you might want to learn the secret of how to get rid of love handles. Sorry, there's no secret way to eliminate love handles but I can tell you about how I managed to lose my love handle fat. It didn't happen overnight and I did have to work at it but slowly the fat around my middle and other parts of my body started to melt away and I've managed to stay reasonably lean for many years now. Nutrition and exercise is the key to losing love handles I didn't know much about nutrition and exercise at the time and I still don't know that much but I did know that you need to do some exercise. Any exercise is better than none right? I also knew that th...

How Natural Weight Loss Pills Work In Losing Weight

Losing weight and having the ideal body is almost everyone's dream these days. However, if you have ever tried to lose weight, you would know how difficult it is to lose even a pound. It really takes a lot of hard work, determination, and control to achieve your desired weight. There are even times when you try several weight loss plans and workouts but your weighing scale doesn't seem to budge. That is all common. The bitter truth is that losing weight is not magic. It does actually require you to put in a lot of effort and determination to achieve your weight loss goals. All those advertisements that run on the internet, with banners like "lose 10 pounds in 1 week without exercising and starving", are nothing but false promises. If such products existed and actually worked, no one would be overweight today. There are no miracles involved in losing fat and there are no ancient secrets of losing weight. The clear-cut way of losing your weight is to move your bo...

Smart Eating And Weight Loss

The pounds have piled up; the pants are getting too tight. It is high time to start losing off the extra weight. Planning right from the beginning makes it easier to succeed in your weight loss plans. Keep track of what you eat and the type of exercise you do every single day. Write everything down in your journal. This gets things organized and you will be better motivated to continue on. Cooking your own meals let you have total control over what to put into your body. No more extra oily, salty or sweet food from cafes and restaurants to tempt you and make you stray from your diet. Get some good cookbooks promoting healthy weight loss recipes, some basic cookware and you are well on your way to healthy cooking. You might be pleasantly surprised at the results. When shopping for groceries, be sure to check the calories count and list of ingredients listed on the food packages. Do not be misled by advertisements such as natural, sugar-free and non-fried. Look at the fine print...

Easy Weight Loss With Green Coffee Beans

The use of green coffee bean extract is now one of the most talked about weight loss dietary supplements. Easy weight loss is hurriedly applied to products we see on late night television promising overweight men and women the quick fix. This is one supplement however that is living up to its claim. While I have no doubt that many of the products advertised do work, you should be aware that your first priority is staying healthy. Please don't get me wrong though, I am by no means saying that these weight loss promises are pushing products that are unhealthy for you, but rather that you should use some common sense and not sacrifice a healthy meal. Come to think of it, if you are not feeding your body well then losing weight and looking slim and sexy will soon have no purpose if you are too sick to go to the beach or wear that close-fitting little black dress to the office party. Green Coffee Beans. No one will deny that coffee is the most consumed beverage in America and ...