Makes you think of the scale, right? 115, 130, 150 pounds. Yet the part of us controlling everything - how we eat, think, act, move, live and love - weighs only three pounds.
Stepping out of the Three Pound Bound, aka the limiting part of your Brain, is key to vibrant living. "Ahh, that's just the Three Pound Bound" you tell yourself, once you're in the know - but left unnoticed, and unattended, the Three Pound Bound wreaks havoc in your life. It controls your emotions and your behavior - in other words, your entire life.
Raising your awareness is the first step to
really Letting Yourself SHINE! It allows you to detect and dissipate the limited thinking causing limited lives.
For example, let's say your brain generates negativity on a regular basis. You're going about your day, and all you hear kicking around your Three Pound Bound is 'life's too hard' and 'here goes YET ANOTHER day I'm not rich/skinny/in love' and 'when will I EVER catch a break?'
A small part of you wonders if you just might get lucky the next day - but every day, again and again, you get more of the same. The negativity. And you just can't figure out why!
It's because our thoughts directly create our experiences. What we think about creates how we feel, and what we feel determines what opportunities are available to us.
Since we cannot see inspired opportunities when we are bound by negativity, they are not available to us. This means we need to do whatever it takes to stay in a place of positive expectation.
This is different from "positive thinking," which can be imbalanced if it only takes into consideration one side of your circumstances. "Positive expectation" is the balanced way to go. It says: "No matter what is happening around me, I'm positively expecting great results. The Universe is realigning itself for my highest and greatest good, right now."
You'll know when TPB has its hold on you, because at any given time, the circumstances in our external lives show us how we are doing. TPB delivers "hard" lives, with poor bank accounts, unhealthy bodies, and taxing relationships.
On the other hand, when we are in a consistent state of Positive Expectation, magic and miracles happen. We attract more money than we ever could have before imagined. We live in our dream home. We attract our dream mate. Our health is better than ever. We feel joyous and fulfilled and grateful and nothing or nobody can knock us off our path or create chaos in our lives.
So, how do we make the shift if our TPB lives aren't producing the wonderful realities we desire?
We learn how to step outside of the bound of our negative mindset, and stay out.
The first step is understanding our power to dissipate anything and everything that feels limiting in our field.
Imagine all the perceptions and experiences and possibilities in our lives fitting into categories, or bands, organized hierarchically, one on top of the other, like rungs on a ladder. The lower rungs are heaviest: negative, depression-inducing thoughts, those feelings, and beliefs that limit opportunity, health, wealth, and possibility. You know you are there if life feels heavy and dreadful. You know you are somewhere in the middle if you feel neutral and permitting, but not quite willing to do whatever it takes to expand into a higher way of living and being.
Higher rungs are lighter, carrying infinite possibility and endless opportunities for your life. This is where I've lived since healing myself of 17 medical diagnoses and releasing over 150 pounds back in 2009. It's how I expanded my entire perspective on life, especially surrounding what is possible. I reversed my health and created a successful business serving tens of thousands of people, doing what I love - and I invite you to do the same. Join me where the magic happens, so we can co-create a peaceful, joyous, easier, LIGHTER planet for all beings.
Once you get this, and I mean really get this, life is better. You realize that every moment offers a prime opportunity to switch rungs. To get climbing. To change the dial, and tune into a different station altogether. To generate quality perspectives, feelings and beliefs that are aligned with the beauty and magic of who you truly are, and what is possible for you in this life.
You can choose to step out of TPB and into this infinite part of your being, no matter what kind of life you are living. And you can do it right now.
You have it in you, you are THAT powerful!
TIP: Ask yourself this question regularly throughout the day: "what station am I tuned into?" If the frequency is low, start pull out your toolbox filled with exercises, inspiration, tips and tricks to change your mindset in an instant, so you stay healthy, vibrant and light.
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