Strength training is a much misunderstood term. Folks think it is not meant for them and only suits those who wish to build muscles. Women avoid weight training as they do not want huge muscles. These are misconceptions which need to be cleared.
In this article we will show you the benefits of weight lifting:
Do you know that your heart
benefits from weight training? Strong muscles built through weight lifting needs less oxygen to accomplish the same tasks, so, that's less work for the heart. It also keeps your blood pressure under check. The AHA recommends weight training at least, twice a week, to improve heart health.
People who have trouble losing weight can benefit from strength training. This turns fat to muscle, which is good for burning calories. Muscle tissue burns 15 times more calories than fat tissue. So, you keep burning calories even when you are at rest. Kick up your metabolism by taking up weight lifting.
Body Image
Weight training builds muscle. This makes your body look firm and taut. Flabby body is unattractive but firm body boosts your self-image. You get confidence too from being trim and toned. You will be delighted with the compliments from friends and family on your good looks.
Strong Back
Strong muscles put less stress on the joints, lower back and connective tissues. You don't have to put extra effort when you lift stuff or for day-to-day activities. Regular training prevents certain diseases and helps build up muscle mass.
With strong muscles you need less effort to carry out activities and you also find energy to do more. People who weight train find that their energy levels are higher than those who don't. The brain also gets a boost from weight training.
Fights The Free Radicals
Weight training on a regular basis is a great way to rid the body of free radicals. These radicals are very damaging to the body. Those who spend hours on the couch have the highest amount of free radicals. Building muscles requires commitment and training but the benefits outweigh the effort put in.
Strong Bones
Weight training benefits bones along with muscles. It is a great aid in preventing osteoporosis. Women should pay particular attention as they face a high risk of osteoporosis once they hit menopause as the protective hormones are no longer generated by the body. This causes bones to crack or break. Regular weight-lifting can help prevent problems in the future.
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